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Janu Mendel, Executive Director of Repair the World Miami, tells us how Repair the World creates opportunities for Tikkun Olam in our local community and around the country.

David Oliver, Deputy Director of IRC Florida, discusses how the International Rescue Committee
supports refugees and survivors of trafficking in Florida and across the globe.
Donate to the IRC in Florida

Mike Greenhaus, editor-in-chief of Relix Magazine, discusses 
Jews in Music: Past, Present and Future.
Check out the Friday Night Jams

Liz Kleinrock, anti-bias anti-racist educator, 
discusses  what the Jewish community can do to stop hate against Asian American/Pacific Islanders.

Featuring Tongo Eisen-Martin, San Francisco's Poet Laureate, discussing the struggles for freedom.
Check out Tongo's books:

Heaven Is All Goodbyes, Pocket Poets Series No. 61 ( 

Tongo Eisen-Martin - Waiting Behind Tornados For Food (

someone's dead already PAPERBACK - Tongo Eisen-Martin : Small Press Distribution (  

Jeffrey Greenberg, Florida Director of JNFuture
discusses the future of the Jewish National Fund.

Amy Wachtel, aka the Night Nurse, discusses  Jewish symbolism in Reggae/Rasta lyrics.
Listen to Rocker Arena's tribute to Bunny Wailer - Available until March 19th!

Andi Katz, psychologist and cake artist, discusses growing up Jewish in Germany

Featuring Nigel Savage, founder of Hazon, on why we need a Jewish Lab of Sustainability
Learn more about:
Brit Hazon
Hazon Seal of Sustainability
Adamah at Home

with Neal Cohen, co-founder of Tip Top Proper Cocktails, on the birth and evolution of kosher cocktails in a can.

with Rae Abileah, founder of The Climate Ribbon, and Ariel Vegosen, founder of Gender Illumination,
on the Healing Power of Trees with community rituals. 
Learn more about Gender Illumination's BLM Gender Blender Support Program

with Rabbi Jeffrey Kurtz-Lendner, and his altruistic living liver donor, Eric Steger, on the mitzvah of live-saving donation
To learn more about life-saving donation, visit: - Halachic Organ Donor Society - Gift of Life Marrow Registry - Renewal (kidney donation)

with Saul Berenthal and Cindy White,
owners of Chateau Blanc, Cuba’s first and only kosher boutique hotel,
on Jewish Cuba: Past and Present

Featuring Steph Taylor, co-founder of Miami Girls Rock Camp
and band member of The State Of,
on why girls rock!

Featuring Rabbi Jill Hammer, co-founder of the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute
and author of Return to the Place:
The Magic, Meditation, and Mystery of Sefer Yetzirah

on Jewish mysticism and being a Kohenet

with Saul Dreier, founder of the Holocaust Survivor Band,
on how to bring light into the world.

with David Moses, respiratory therapist and hospital administrator,
on how to keep essential medical professionals, love ones, and you safe.

with Charl Brown,
Tony-nominated artist and member of The Doo Wop Project,
on what it means to be a Broadway performer in a COVID-19 era.

Kirill Altman, Jewish Soviet refugee, on an immigrant's journey home.

Evan Paster, labor union negotiator,
on nursing home care for loved ones and service (essential) worker rights in a COVID-19 era.

David Krasky, licensed school psychologist,
on students' mental health in a COVID-19 era.

Featuring Penny Rosenwasser, PhD., author of the award-winning
Hope into Practice, Jewish women choosing justice despite our fears, discussing intergenerational Jewish trauma
and an activist's call to heal the world!

Featuring Ian Witlen
internationally-published South Florida photographer,
on the importance of documentation and preservation.
Trigger warning: some of the subject matter in this episode pertains to the Parkland tragedy as well as the Holocaust

Featuring Bruce Serbin,
seven-times national award-winning Publicist, Author, and Coach,
on how to face your fears, stop your worrying, and live your best life.
Read "Pull the Stick Out"
Read "30 Reasons the Media is Ignoring You"
Start the "Attracting Media: DIY Training Program to Secure Your Own Media Coverage"

David Goboff
president of the Puppet Guild of South Florida and Simply Puppets,
on Jewish influences in puppetry.

Featuring Marcela Topf Counseling & Coaching,
therapist, coach, speaker & producer,
on how to find more peace, happiness and love in your life.

Joti Shephi, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and host of the Joti Show,
discussing the intersection of NLP and Judaism

Featuring Ariel Vegosen, Founder & Director of Shine Diversity and Gender Illumination,
discussing the intersectionality of gender justice and Judaism.

Featuring Marney Tokar, Director of PJ Library of Broward County,
discussing how PJ can help save the day for families!

Featuring international storytellers Joyce Lee and Rachel Rose Reid
discussing how their cultures and ancestries influence their stories
If you would like to be a financial contributor to Joyce’s artistic process you can be charitable at and if you would like to connect with Joyce, you can find her on Instagram @fuss_boxx or join her fan page on Facebook as Joyce Unspeakable Joyce. Lastly, if you are interested in purchasing other works by Joyce Lee, you can find her first published book of poems entitled My Soul Is a Witness, published by Bootstraps Press in 2017 at, her second book of poems Dancing in The Presence of Men: A book of Love & Lovers on Amazon.comand Joyce’s album of poems entitled No Country for Honest Womyn at

Rabbi Dan Medwin, aka "The Techie Rabbi", 
on how Jewish communities have been utilizing technology for prayer, study, and community building.

Sarai Shapiro, founder and caretaker of Gaia Girls Passages, as we talk about why nature connection for youth and all people is essential to our health and well-being as individuals and for the planet.

Seth Kaplan, co-host of Airlines Confidential and transportation analyst on NPR's Here and Now,
discussing flying in COVID-19 times

Jeff Jacob, Executive Director of Face the Music Foundation and The Song Team,
discussing how music helps heal

Simon Abramson, founder of Men of the Ridge Men's Group, 
and Rabbi Allan Tuffs, author of Teach it to Your Sons,
discussing how men are creating a safer world by making abundant connection a normal part of being a dude.
Connect with Simon on facebook or visit

Brandy Hall, founder, designer, and educator at Shades of Green Permaculture,
discussing what to plant now, permaculture practices, and how they relate to Jewish agriculture laws

Rachel schmoozes with Day Schildkret of Morning Altars

Morning Altars Movie in honor of the 50th Earth Day

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785