May - July 2024
Sarina Cook, in thanks for singing beautiful prayers for Morris
Joe Crescenz, in memory of his brother, Charles Crescenz
David Marans, in memory of his mother, Jacqueline Radutzky
Sandy & David Marans, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Ursula Marans, in gratitude for preparation for her Bat Mitzvah
Larisa & Maurice McAbian, in gratitude for Cantor
Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in honor of Liz Morgan’s Bat Mitzvah
Marilyn Adani, in memory of her family during Yizkor
Marcia Bell, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Marcia Bell, in honor of Rudy Schwartz’s Bar Mitzvah
Diane Berman & Walter Dorfman, in honor of Ursula Marans Bat Mitzvah
Diane Berman & Walter Dorfman, whishing Sharon Tanenhaus a speedy recovery
Frances & Richard Bernstein, in memory of Morris Cook
Ilene Engelberg, in memory of Felix Avenaim
Debra & Buddy Feldman, in memory of Buddy’s sister, Arlene Butts
Barry Hikin, in honor of peace on Earth
Desiree Israel, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Roslyn & Robbie Kurland, in honor of Suzanne Gunzburger’s 85th birthday
Trudy & Ben Lechner, get well soon Sharon Tanenhaus
Sandy & Joel Lefkowitz, in memory of Susan Levan
Shiela & Arron Margolis, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Shiela & Arron Margolis, in honor of Liz Morgan’s Bat Mitzvah
Shiela & Aaron Margolis, in honor of Rudy Schwartz’s Bar Mitzvah
Larisa & Maurice McAbian
Jacquelyn Needelman, in memory of her cousin, Maxine Kunny
Jacquelyn Needelman, in memory of her mother, Sylvia Plasner
Mildred Raffe, in honor of her birthday celebration
Barbara Samuels, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Stuart Scherline & Alan Pate, in memory of Sandy Amiel
Joni & Ron Schachare, in memory of Bernard Taub
Merel & Joel Schneider, in honor of Sue Gunzburger’s 85th birthday
Sari Schulman, in memory of Maggie Glazer
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor of Ursula Marans Bat Mitzvah
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, wishing Shiela Margolis a speedy recovery
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, wishing Sharon Tanenhaus a speedy recovery
Sharon Tanenhaus, in memory of Maggie Glazer
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Susie Lewis being chosen as a 2024 Mother of the Year by Healthy Mother Healthy Babies
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Liz Morgan’s conversion & Bat Mitzvah
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Rudy Schwartz’s Bar Mitzvah
Marta & Steve Wexler, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
David Esack, in memory of Mark Hall
Marilyn Black, in memory of her husband, Burton Black
Barbara S. Drabkin, in memory of her mother, Rose H. Drabkin
Ana Falus, in honor of Mina Falus’ baby naming
Sandra & Joel Lefkowitz, in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary
Barbara Samuels, in honor of Stanley Leskin’s 89th birthday
Stuart Scherline, in memory of his mother Shirley Scherline
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor or Ruthie’s birthday
Gloria & Lawrence Winton, in honor of their 66th wedding anniversary
Marlene Pinsker, in honor of the marriage of Donna & Jared Anton’s daughter
Marlene Pinsker, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Barbara & Marc Schultz new grandchild, Margot
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Becca & Steven Schultz first baby, Margot
Rita Gilbert, in honor of her great granddaughter, Mikala
Barry Hikin
Ursula Leon Marans, in thanks for his gratitude
Dee & Al Levine, in honor of Ursula Marans Bat Mitzvah
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in honor of Liz Morgan’s Bat Mitzvah
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in honor of Rudy Schwartz’s Bar Mitzvah
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in honor of the Surkova/Nedev B’nai Mitzvah
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in memory of Maggie Glazer
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, wishing Shiela Margolis a speedy recovery
Marvin Luterman, in memory of his father, David Luterman
Karyn Morris, thank you for the visit
Mildred Raffe
Eileen & Bruce Sackman, in loving memory of Felix Avenaim
Lucette Walters, in memory of her uncle, Felix Avenaim
Women’s Spiritualty Group, in memory of Maggie Glazer
Riley & Sydney Kashton, wishing Josh, Sydney and Emma Mazel Tov on confirmation
Ursula Marans, in gratitude for Barbara Segal
Barbara Samuels, in memory of her mother Shirley Meyerson
Marlene Rose, in memory of, Nuala DavidMarlene Rose, in memory of Maggie Glazer
Marlene Rose, in honor of Ursula Leon-Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Marlene Rose, in honor of Liz Morgan’s Bat Mitzvah
Marlene Rose, in honor Of Rudy Schwartz’s birthday and Bar Mitzvah
Marlene Rose, in memory Fred Shay
Norri Gluck, in memory of her grandson, Pierce David Movitz
Maria & Alex Karpman, in honor of Mother’s Day
Deena Landsman, in honor of her birthday
Sandra & Joel Lefkowitz, in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary
Dee & Al Levine, in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary
Marlene Rose, in memory of her father, Joseph Bluestone
Marlene Rose, in memory of her husband, Martin Rose
Gisele & Brent Spechler, in honor of Shabbatstock
Barbara S. Drabkin, in memory of her niece, Vanessa Drabkin
Rita Gilbert, in honor of her great granddaughter, Mikala
Norri Gluck, in memory of her father, Michael Gluck
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor or Ruthie’s birthday
Gloria Winton, in honor of her birthday
Mike Drescher, in thanks and support of social action to help those most in need in S Florida and the Haiti Orphanage
Ursula Marans, wishing Sharon a speedy recovery
Stephanie Rosen, in memory of Neil Tanenhaus
Sharon Tanenhaus, in honor of Ursula Marans’ Bat Mitzvah
Eva Abramczyk, in memory of her father, Peter Lehmann
Eva Abramczyk, in memory of her stepfather, John Baerwald
Marilyn Adani, in memory of her father, Murray Comiter
Nan Ans, in memory of her mother, Patricia Weinstein
Marcia Bell, in memory of her mother, Joyce Mutnick
Roberto Bollt, in memory of his mother, Maria Bollt
Karen Budowsky, in memory of her husband, Benjamin Budowsky
Karen Budowsky, in memory of her mother in law, Fannie Budowsky
Harry Cooper, in memory of his father, Abraham Cooper
Cindy Cossin, in memory of her mother, Selma Hilsenroth
Cindy Cossin, in memory of her goddaughter, Jamie Leamon
Audrey Efros, in memory of her parents, Lillian & Samuel Goldstein
Phyllis Finger, in memory of her son, Howard Gilbert
Helene Firestone, in memory of her aunt, Estelle Coehn
Helene Firestone, in memory of her aunt, Selma Cohen
Helene Firestone, in memory of her mother, Ann Firestone
Helene Firestone, in memory of her father, Carl Firestone
Helene Firestone, in memory of her sister, Linda Koslin
Ruth Gantman, in memory of her mother, Fannie Lefkowitz
Ruth Gantman, in memory of her husband, David Gantman
Edward Gelband, in memory of his mother, Edith Gelband
Florence Gelband, in memory of her father, Louis Moskovitz
Florence Gelband, in memory of her great grandson, Samuel Lennox Gelband
Wayne Geller, in memory of his father, Lester Geller
Ruth Halpern, in memory of her mother, Gertrude Mandelbaum
Jerome Hesch, in memory of his wife, Joni Braunstein
Richard Hoffman, in memory of his wife, Pearla Hoffman
Desiree Israel, in memory of her mother, Ray Rosenthal
Milton Jacobs, in memory of his parents, Ethel & Samuel Jacobs
Cecelia Kaflowitz, in memory of her mother, Dora Stave
Brenda Kaplan, in memory of her husband, Stephen Kaplan
Debra Kash, in memory of her father, Howard Dubman
Debra Kash, in memory of her grandmother, Rose Stein
Debra Kash, in memory of her siblings, Leslie & Jeffery Dubman
Richard Leebow, in memory of his brother, David Leebow
Richard Leebow, in memory of his mother, Harriet Leebow
Elizabethe Livshits, in memory of her mother, Perla Trachtman
Judith London, in memory of her mother, Eva Schinder
Judith London, in memory of her son, Steven London
Al Levine, in memory of his mother, Jeanette Levine
Frederick Lippman, in memory of his mother, Ida Lippman
Armin Lovenvirth, in memory of his father, Louis Lovenvirth
Sandra Marans, in memory of her father, Samuel Sherman
Aaron Margolis, in memory of his grandmother, Minnie Bloch
Shiela Margolis, in memory of her brother, Hyman Haffner
Roselyn McGowan, in memory of her husband, Charles McGowan
Roselyn McGowan, in memory of her mother, Libby Sukonig
Bonny Oppenheim, in memory of her mother, Lily Mager
Howard Pohl, in memory of his grandparents, Hannah & Herman Levitt
Howard Pohl, in memory of his grandparents, Helen & Harry Pohl
Howard Pohl, in memory of his uncle, Edward Pohl
Howard Pohl, in memory of his mother, Irene Pohl
Carole Prizant, in memory of her husband, Shelly Prizant
Mildred Raffe, in memory of her parents, Helen & Sam Bain
Scott Sander, in memory of his father, Irwin Sander
Bernie Schinder, in memory of his mother, Eva Schinder
Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her friend, David Miller
William Shure, in memory of his grandmother, Julia Miller
William Shure, in memory of his mother, Jacqueline Shure
Paula Steinberg, in memory of her mother, Doris Steinberg
Francine Tobin, in memory of her grandmother, Rose Horwitz
Herbert Tobin, in memory of his father, Ben Tobin
John Ury, in memory of his father, Fritz Ury
Gloria Winton, in memory of her mother, Kate Schwartzberg
Gloria Winton, in memory of her sister, Janet Cooper
Lawrence Winton, in memory of his father, Herman Winton
Allen Zack, in memory of his brother, Norman Zack
TBE Appreciates Donations to the Following Funds
Adult Education Fund • Albert and Birdie Einstein Foundation • B'nai Mitzvah Fund • Brotherhood Fund • Cantor's Discretionary Fund • Capital Fund • David and Lillian “Lu” Kaplan Children’s Education Fund • Dodie Weinstein and Bob Goldberg Adult Education Fund • Endowment Fund • Emas Family Rabbinic Community Development Endowment Fund • General Fund • Gunzburger L’dor V’dor Fund • Illustrated Torah Fund • Jayne Esack Botanical Fund • Live Streaming Fund • Memorial Gardens • ONEG/Shabbatini • Prayer Book Fund • Preschool Fund • Rabbi Aaron's Discretionary Fund • Rabbi Emeritus Discretionary Fund • Rachlin Scholarship Fund • Religious School Fund • Rose Education Fund • Shabbat Music Fund • Sisterhood Fund • Spechler Family Mitzvah Fund • Torah Restoration Fund • Yahrzeit Memorial Fund
Sat, October 5 2024
3 Tishrei 5785
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