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Nov 2024 - Jan 2025


Marlene Rose, in honor of Brunch Bunch

Ursula Leon-Marans, in honor of Barbara Samuels birthday

Barbara Samuels, in memory of her husband, Stewart Samuels


Berri Forman, in memory of her father, Abraham Forman

Joni & Ron Schachere, in honor of Madison’s Bat Mitzvah

Debra Kash & Buddy Feldman, in memory of Sharon Fried


Eleanor & Howard Frank


Dr. Fred Lippman


Claude Avenaim, in honor of Ann Cohen’s birthday

Diane Berman & Walter Dorfman, in memory of Marilyn Adani

Diane Berman & Walter Dorfman, in memory Jeremy Goldberg

Elissa & Gabriel Garfield, in honor of Ann Cohen’s 100th birthday

Rita Gilbert, in honor of Ann Cohen’s birthday

Brenda Kaplan

Eileen & Randy Kominsky, in memory of Vinodini Wagle

Irene Kieselstein, in honor of Ann Cohen’s 100th birthday

Trudy & Ben Lechner, in memory of Jeremy Goldberg

Sandy & Joel Lefkowitz, in memory of Jeremy Goldberg

Lucy Lichtblau, in thanks and memory of Sharon Fried being the leader of the Women’s Spirituality Group

Ursula Marans, in honor of Claudia Castellanos birthday

Ursula Marans, in memory of Sharon Fried

Ursula Marans, in memory of Charlotte Garfield

Maurice McAbian, God bless Rabbi Aaron & Cantor Manny

Maurice McAbian, in honor of the Israeli soldiers

Barbara Miller

Mildred Raffe, in honor of Ann Cohen’s birthday

Joni & Ron Schachere, in memory of Diana Lenik

Hilda Schwartz, in honor of Ann Cohen’s birthday

Adrea & Jack Sukin, in honor of Ann Cohen’s 100th birthday

Sharon Tanenhaus, in memory of Jeremy Goldberg

Jill & Steve Wolpert, in memory of Marilyn Adani


Hannah Lipton, in memory of her father, Hyman Diamond

Hannah Lipton, in memory of her husband, Al Lipton

Hannah Lipton, in memory of her son, Michael Lipton


Ellie & Bernie Schinder, in memory of their fathers, Harry Schinder & Myer Kirsner

Ellie Schinder, in memory of her mother, Sara Kirsner


Vicki Gersten-DeCastro & Jeff Markman


Ann Cohen, in honor of her 100th birthday

Madelyn & Harvey Rappaport, in honor of Harvey’s 90th birthday

John Ury, in honor of his birthday


Dodie Weinstein, in memory of Susan Atkin


Tot Shabbat, brought to you by Alden Morse Cowan, his parents Jonathan & Stephanie and the Cowan Family Foundation


Vanesa Dabul & Jason Peterman

Hal Karas, in memory of his father, Harvey Karas

Debra Kash, in memory of her Sunday School Teacher, Murial Kirsner

Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in memory Jeremy Goldberg

Nordin & Howard Weinberger, in honor of Rachael & Zach’s wedding


Vanesa Dabul & Jason Peterman, in honor of Purim Carnival


Marlene Rose, in memory of her mother, Gertrude Bluestone


Sandy & Sam Grussgott, in honor of Sandy’s birthday

Madelyn & Harvey Rappaport, in honor of Harvey’s 90th birthday

Sharon Tanenhaus, in memory of her husband, Neil Tanenhaus


Agnes Borhegyi, in memory of her parents, Lily & Laszlo Fischer

Ann Cohen, in honor of her 100th birthday

Sandy & Sam Grussgott, in honor of Sandy’s birthday

Goldie Hill, in memory of her father, Julius Litt

Nick Horty, in thanks to Temple Beth El

Rachel Levy, honoring & in memory of her beautiful mother, Phyllis Cohen

Shiela & Aaron Margolis, in honor of their anniversary

Madelyn & Harvey Rappaport, in honor of Harvey’s 90th birthday

Marlene Rose, in memory of Marilyn Adani

Spechler, Fink, Shrago families, in honor and thanks of, Julie Spechler-Fink and Ali Shrago-Spechler for their speech in remembrance of Kristallnacht

Spechler, Fink, Shrago families, in memory of, Elsie & David Spechler

Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in memory of Marilyn Adani

Sharon Tanenhaus, in memory of Marilyn Adani


Julie Spechler-Fink, in memory of her parents, Dr. David H. Spechler & Elsie Spechler


Judith Anderson, in memory of her father, Herb Ravitz

Roy Ans, in memory of his parents, Henrietta & Leo Ans

Roy Ans, in memory of his sister, Toby Kuh

Marvin Bart, in memory of his father, Abraham Bart

Gitelle Bernstein, in memory of her husband, Harry Tashkin

Ann Cohen, in memory of her sister, Golda Klein

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her mother in law, Mona Seidman

Herb Dell, in memory of his parents, Frieda & Saul Dell

Audrey Efros, in memory of her husband, Jerome Efros

Margie Feuerman, in memory of her mother, Florence Weil

Ruth Gantman, in memory of her father, Abraham Lefkowitz

Rita Gilbert, in memory of her husband

Sam Grussgott, in memory of his mother, Margaret Grussgott

Jerome Hesch, in memory of his father, Jack Hesch

Frances Housman, in memory of her father, Stanley Greenberg

Michael Housman, in memory of his father, Abraham Housman

Milton Jacobs, in memory of his brother, Sigmund Jacobs

Milton Jacobs, in memory of his sister, Florence Liff

Cecelia Kaflowitz, in memory of her father, Morris Stave

Brenda Kaplan, in memory of her parents, Evelyn & Issac Fine

Brenda Kaplan, in memory of her husband, Stephen Kaplan

Debra Kash, in memory of Erwin Stein

Eileen Kominsky, in memory of her father, Harry Stoler

Janet Krop, in memory of her father, Lester Atlas

Deena Landsman, in memory of her mother, Selma Landsman

Trudy Lechner, in memory of her beloved father, Sidney Neistadt

Shelly Leebow, in memory of her brother, Barry Golden

Rachel Levy, in memory of her mother, Phyllis Cohen

Fred Lippman, in memory of his father, Charles Lippman

Fred Lippman, in memory of his wife, Judith Lippman

Elizabeth Livshits, in memory of her brother, Mark Trachtman

Judith London, in memory of her father, Harry Schinder

Armin Lovenvirth, in memory of his uncle, Simon Lovenvirth

Armin Lovenvirth, in memory of his mother, Vivian Lovenvirth

Barbara Lovenvirth, in memory of her father, Louis Gardner

Aaron Margolis, in memory of his parents, Isabella & Joseph Margolis

The Miller Family, in memory of James Fox Miller

Jacquelyn Needelman, in memory of her father, Seymour Plasner

Mildred Raffe, in memory of her father in law, Benjamin Raffe

Mildred Raffe, in memory of her husband, Philip Raffe

Howard Pohl, in memory of his father, Sherwin Pohl

Carole Prizant, in memory of her father, Irving Rose

Scott Sander, in memory of his mother, Joan Sander

Linda Scharf, in memory of her mother, Renee Scharf

Sara Scheinman, in memory of her father, Samuel Saffan

Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her father, Max Augenlicht

Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her husband, Herbert Schoenfeld

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her father, Herbert Gorlin

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her grandfather, Leon Gorlin

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her brother, Todd Gorlin

Rudy Schwartz, in memory of mother, Baela Schwartz

Ruthie Schwartz, in memory of her parents, Beatrice & Hyman Adelman

Sheryl & Kurt Shaw, in memory of Florence Levin

Chester Simons, in memory of his parents, Frances & Harry Simons

Chester Simons, in memory of his wife, Joan Simons

Hinda Smith, in memory of her brother, Arthur Pottash

Francine Tobin, in memory of her father, Carl Harwin

Francine Tobin, in memory of her sister, Barbara Marer

Ray Wilensky, in memory of his mother, Bertha Wilensky

Frances Winfrey, in memory of her mother, Sally Lipman

Allen Zack, in memory of his father, David Zack

TBE Appreciates Donations to the Following Funds


Adult Education Fund • Albert and Birdie Einstein Foundation • B'nai Mitzvah Fund • Brotherhood Fund • Cantor's Discretionary Fund • Capital Fund • David and Lillian “Lu” Kaplan Children’s Education Fund • Dodie Weinstein and Bob Goldberg Adult Education Fund • Endowment Fund • Emas Family Rabbinic Community Development Endowment Fund • General Fund • Gunzburger L’dor V’dor Fund • Illustrated Torah Fund • Jayne Esack Botanical Fund • Live Streaming Fund • Memorial Gardens • ONEG/Shabbatini • Prayer Book Fund • Preschool Fund • Rabbi Aaron's Discretionary Fund • Rabbi Emeritus Discretionary Fund • Rachlin Scholarship Fund • Religious School Fund • Rose Education Fund • Shabbat Music Fund • Sisterhood Fund • Spechler Family Mitzvah Fund • Torah Restoration Fund • Yahrzeit Memorial Fund


Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785