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February-March-April 2024



Kathleen Angione, in honor of Meet the Judges

Berri Forman & Hal Karas, in honor of Meet the Judges

Geoffrey Ittleman, in honor of Meet the Judges

Janet Krop & Larry Davis, in honor of Meet the Judges

Deena Landsman, in honor of Meet the Judges

Stefanie Moon, in honor of Meet the Judges

Laurie Schecter, in honor of Meet the Judges

Elaine Schwartz, in honor of Meet the Judges

Ellen Silvers, in honor of Meet the Judges

Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in honor of Meet the Judges



Suzanne Gunzburger

David Marans, in memory of his aunt, Esther Levine

Lorena & Daniel Mukamal, in honor of Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah



Deena Aboulafia

Jeanette Cohnen

Sandy & Joel Lefkowitz

Dee & Al Levine

Shiela & Aaron Margolis

Wendi & Rabbi Aaron Sataloff

Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz

Carl Trachtenberg



Dodie Weinstein, in memory of David Mankuta

Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in memory of Arthur Pottash



Marilyn Adani, in memory of Arthur Pottash

Harriet Bial, in thanks and in honor of Gospel Shabbat

Marcia Bell, in memory of Arthur Pottash

Daniel Cahill, in honor of Liz Morgan’s conversion

Vanesa Dabul & Jason Peterman

Lorre Diamond, in honor of livestream services

Janet Krop, in memory of Arthur Pottash

Susan Lazarus, in honor of Gospel Shabbat

Larisa & Maurice McAbian

Karyn & Kerry Morris, in honor of Sharon Tanenhaus

Carla Neufeld, in honor of gospel shabbat

Laurie Schecter, in memory of James Fox Miller

Bernard Scherban, in honor of gospel shabbat

Sheila & Larry Smith, in memory of James Fox Miller

Sharon Tanenhaus, in memory of Arthur Pottash



David Esack, in memory of Carol Miropol

David Esack, in memory of Arthur Pottash



Vanesa Dabul & Jason Peterman, in honor of Hili’s baby naming

Norri Gluck & Bob O’Reilly, in honor of Breanna Movitz & Jonathan Taba’s wedding

Wendi Grossman & Ayal Weis, in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah

Suzanne Gunzburger, in memory of her husband, Gerald Gunzburger

Sandy & Daniel Kaufman, in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah

Lorena & Daniel Mukamal, in honor of Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah

Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor of Rudy’s 93rd birthday

Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in honor of Scholar in Residence

Nancy & Matthew Willner, in honor of Zackery’s Bar Mitzvah



Nancy Badian, in memory of Abraham, Hannah, Leonard and William Badian

Marc Schultz, in memory of his brother, Robert Schultz



Chelsea & Fernando Chavez, in memory of Charlie

Suzanne Gunzburger

Lorena & Daniel Mukamal, in honor of Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah



Paul Pavilack, in honor of artist in residence

Vanesa Dabul & Jason Peterman

Erica & Andrew Rubin, in honor of artist in residence



Eileen & Ronnie Abraham, in honor of Marlene Rose’s birthday

Marlene Rose, in memory of Alex Forkosh

Marlene Rose, in memory of her best friend, Renee Friedman
Marlene Rose, in memory of Arthur Pottash



Norri Gluck & Bob O’Reilly, and Breanna Movitz & Jonathan Tada, in honor of their wedding

Harriet Kutell, in honor of Gospel Shabbat



Agnes Borhegyi, in memory of her life partner, George Adler

Agnes Borhegyi, in memory of her father, Laszlo Fischer

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her mother, Grete Cohnen

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her grandmother, Sara Cohnen

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her father in law, Howard Seidman

Brian & Jennifer Gluck, and Cynthia & Lonnie Morris, in honor of Breanna Movitz & Jonathan Taba’s wedding

Wendi Grossman & Ayal Weis, in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah

Sandy & Daniel Kaufman, in honor of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah

Lorena & Daniel Mukamal, in honor of Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah

Scott Singer, in memory of his father, Monte Singer

Ellen Wacher, in memory of her mother, Raye Wacher

Nancy & Matthew Willner, in honor of Zackery’s Bar Mitzvah



Debra Kash, in honor of Sharon Tanenhaus’ birthday



Marilyn Adani, in memory of her mother, Pauline Comiter

Nan Ans, in memory of her father, Theodore Weinstein

Roy Ans, in memory of his parents, Henrietta & Leo Ans

Roy Ans, in memory of his nephew, Edward Best

Roy Ans, in memory of his sister, Toby Kuh

Marcia Bell, in memory of her father, Paul Mutnick

Judi Best, in memory of her husband, Edward Best

Karen Budowsky, in memory of her father in law, Max Budowsky

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her parents, Grete & Paul Cohnen

Jeanette Cohnen, in memory of her in laws, Mona & Howard Seidman

Cindy Cossin, in memory of her best friend, Nancy Sheinker-Leamon

Audrey Efros, in memory of her husband, Jerome Efros

Margie Feuerman, in memory of her husband, Harold Weil

Edward Gelband, in memory of his father, Hyman Gelband

Flo Gelband, in memory of her mother, Sara Moskovitz

Sondra Grussgott, in memory of her mother, Bella Jaffe

Ruth Halpern, in memory of her father, Carl Mandelbaum

Jerome Hesch, in memory of his father, Jack Hesch

Desiree Israel, in memory of her cousin, Teddy Posel

Desiree Israel, in memory of her father, Israel “Solly” Rosenthal

Milton Jacobs, in memory of his wife, Thalia Jacobs

Cecelia Kaflowitz, in memory of her husband, Daniel Kaflowitz

Debra Kash-Feldman, in memory of her mother, Geraldine Dubman

Schatzi Kassal, in memory of her husband, Stanley Kassal

Schatzi Kassal, in memory of her parents, Eleanore & Daniel Rosenthal

Janet Krop, in memory of her father, Lester Atlas

Deena Landsman, in memory of her father, Jack Landsman

Shelley Leebow, in memory of her brother, Barry Golden

Shelley Leebow, in memory of her father, Ralph Golden

Ursula Leon-Marans, in memory of her father Vincente Leon

Al Levine, in memory of his father, Leon Levine

Caryn Lewis, in memory of her grandmother, Frances Geller

Frederick Lippman, in memory of his father, Charles Lippman

Frederick Lippman, in memory of his brother, Edwin Lippman

Manny Livshits, in memory of his mother, Bluma Livshits

Judith London, in memory of her husband, Martin London

Armin Lovenvirth, in memory of his aunt, Helen Lovenvirth

Armin Lovenvirth, in memory of his mother, Vivian Lovenvirth

Barbara Lovenvirth, in memory of her mother, Rose Gardner

Sandra Marans, in memory of her mother, Isabelle Sherman

Aaron Margolis, in memory of his parents, Isabella & Joseph Margolis

Shiela Margolis, in memory of her brother, Sanford Haffner

Elaine Mendelsohn, in memory of her husband, Louis Mendelson

Bonny Oppenheim, in memory of her father, David Mager

Howard Pohl, in memory of his father, Sherwin Pohl

Carole Prizant, in memory of her sister, Myrna Berken

Carole Prizant, in memory of her mother, Ann Rose

Mildred Raffe, in memory of her husband, Philip Raffe

Karen Rassler, in memory of her father, Paul Rodensky

Marlene Rose, in memory of her grandfather, Abraham Bluestone

Marlene Rose, in memory of her mother, Gertrude Bluestone

Arlene Rosenstock, in memory of her husband, Barre Rosenstock

Arlene Rosenstock, in memory of her husband, Gerald Zimmerman

Barbara Samuels, in memory of her mother, Shirley Altman Meyerson

Melvyn Saslow, in memory of his wife, Emily Saslow

Melvyn Saslow, in memory of his mother, Fae Saslow

Sandra Schindler & Rona Wolfson, in loving memory of their parents, Ray & Sol Schindler

Sandra Schindler, in memory of her brother-in-Law, Howard Wolfson

Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her brother, William Augen

Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her mother, Marion Augenlicht

Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her sister, Ida Feldman

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her father, Herbert Gorlin

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her grandparents, Mae & Leon Gorlin

Barbara Schultz, in memory of her brother, Todd Gorlin

Chester Simons, in memory of his mother, Frances Simons

Hinda Smith, in memory of her husband, Owen Smith

Linda Solomon, in memory of her mother, Irene Devin

Francine Tobin, in memory of her father, Carl Harwin

Francine Tobin, in memory of her mother, Evy Griss

Herbert Tobin, in memory of his mother, Jeannette Nadell

Herbert Tobin, in memory of his grandfather, Louis Shiell

John Ury, in memory of his mother, Helen Ury

TBE Appreciates Donations to the Following Funds


Adult Education Fund • Albert and Birdie Einstein Foundation • B'nai Mitzvah Fund • Brotherhood Fund • Cantor's Discretionary Fund • Capital Fund • David and Lillian “Lu” Kaplan Children’s Education Fund • Dodie Weinstein and Bob Goldberg Adult Education Fund • Endowment Fund • Emas Family Rabbinic Community Development Endowment Fund • General Fund • Gunzburger L’dor V’dor Fund • Illustrated Torah Fund • Jayne Esack Botanical Fund • Live Streaming Fund • Memorial Gardens • ONEG/Shabbatini • Prayer Book Fund • Preschool Fund • Rabbi Aaron's Discretionary Fund • Rabbi Emeritus Discretionary Fund • Rachlin Scholarship Fund • Religious School Fund • Rose Education Fund • Shabbat Music Fund • Sisterhood Fund • Spechler Family Mitzvah Fund • Torah Restoration Fund • Yahrzeit Memorial Fund


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784