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Latest Connections Issue

Connections Program Guide Issues 2023


Connections Program Guide Issues 2022


Connections Program Guide Issues 2021

Connections Program Guide Issues 2020


Connections Program Guide Issues 2019

Advertise in TBE'S Connections Program Guide


Every three months (Quarterly, four times per year), Temple Beth El of Hollywood publishes and distributes CONNECTIONS. This is a news and Program Guide filled with Temple Beth El events and services information, including programs offered through our Nationally Accredited Preschool, Jewish Learning Center, local community partners and Temple clubs.

CONNECTIONS publication dates are as follows:

August 1 (Advertising deadline June 30) - Covers August, September, October and mails mid-July
November 1 (Advertising deadline September 30) - Covers November, December, January and mails mid-October
February 1 (Advertising deadline December 30) - Covers February, March, April and mails mid-January
May 1 (Advertising deadline March 31) - Covers May, June, July and mails mid-April

Editorial submission deadlines for columns and event content are 30 days before the mail date. On a quarterly schedule that is March 15 / June 15 / Sept 15 / December 15 

Advertising Rates per Insertion

We prefer a minimum of 4 insertions (one year). Prices are per quarterly issue:

Back cover - $700 member; $850 non-member
Size (7 3/4”h x 8”w)

Full Page - $400 member; $500 non-member
Size (9 7/8”h x 8”w)

Half Page - $200 member; $250 non-member
Size (4.5”h x 8”w)

Quarter Page - $100 member; $140 non-member
Size (4.5”h x 3.5”w)

Eighth Page (Business Card) - $50 member; $80 non-member
Size (2”h x 3.5”w)

Prices do not include creating artwork.

Email or call (954) 920-8225 with questions. Artwork must be saved as 300 DPI with
embedded colors and fonts, JPEG, TIF, or PDF format.

Ads in our TRENDING weekly email newsletter are also available starting at $75 per insertion. We prefer a minimum of four insertions.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785